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Old 08-20-2011, 11:11 AM  

Join Date: Jun 2011
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Perry's Experimental Stem Cell Treatment

What this has to do with anything--except his health--I don't know.
The consensus of medical experts was that it was 'risky'--if it works good--some felt it would be difficult to know.

I can't condemn him/anyone for this.

Doctors question Perry's stem cell back treatment ?| ajc.com

This is the sort of thing that was so popular in online discussions. A tiny little thing, really and it was discussed for days.

Everything that Bush said or did was analyzed with microscopic intensity.

The same thing now goes on with Obama.

This will never end---never.

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Old 08-20-2011, 12:03 PM  
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I can't blame anyone from reaching for back pain relief. An epoxy vertebrae saved my back. I am concerned about this part because there are a rash of shysters bilking people with phony stem cell injections.

"As a highly influential person of power, Perry's actions have the unfortunate potential to push desperate patients into the clinics of quacks," who are selling unproven treatments "for everything from Alzheimer's to autism."

I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
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Old 08-20-2011, 04:30 PM  

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Originally Posted by blucher View Post
I can't blame anyone from reaching for back pain relief. An epoxy vertebrae saved my back. I am concerned about this part because there are a rash of shysters bilking people with phony stem cell injections.
That was the main point made in the article--I scanned quickly, but there were 5/6 paragraphs pertaining to that.

Maybe it won't make CNN's scrutiny. If George Bush or Obama had done this, particularly while in office--there would be outrage of some kind.

I could never get into the birth certificate/citizenship issue I know that.
When the tide turned and GW became the personification of evil--I couldn't get into that either.

It was so strange--in the conservative forums--Jimmy Carter was reviled--maybe deservingly I can't say--he didn't have an outstanding record as POTUS and I don't understand some of his ideas. My mother reveres him, we live in Atlanta and some people feel that way--he is a Christian --my family reveres FDR--he helped the farmers' during the Depression--that is what they say. Still say it--will always say it.

Bush's religious beliefs didn't register with them--he was a Republican. The world ended for my family when Obama was elected--I will not try to explain.

If politics was ever mentioned after Clinton--the discussion concluded rather quickly. They certainly cannot and will not condone immoral conduct. Then the matter of Hillary---no, they didn't like her. The Clinton's were lacking in religious virtue.

No one would care about the back problem treatment. Some don't trust doctors---they might be concerned about his mental capabilities for resorting to such an untested method. I don't want to find out.
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Old 08-21-2011, 12:32 PM  
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I know several people that have had conventional back and neck repairs and none of them are pain free. One that has both rods and fusions in his back has a morphine pump. It's none of my business what Perry tries, but if it works his chances are better than the alternatives. The government touts stem cell solutions, all of which are experimental, but rises in anger if someone doesn't follow its regulatory path. The only known risk from Perry's treatment seems to be blood clots and maybe cancer tossed in primarily as a scare tactic.

The same government and the pharmaceutical industry was against niacin use to reduce cholesterol, that is until they found a way to patent it. It's always the money trail or a threat to a minion's fiefdom.
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Old 08-21-2011, 10:54 PM  

Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 319 | Kudos: +17
Originally Posted by Eddie_T View Post
I know several people that have had conventional back and neck repairs and none of them are pain free. One that has both rods and fusions in his back has a morphine pump. It's none of my business what Perry tries, but if it works his chances are better than the alternatives. The government touts stem cell solutions, all of which are experimental, but rises in anger if someone doesn't follow its regulatory path. The only known risk from Perry's treatment seems to be blood clots and maybe cancer tossed in primarily as a scare tactic.

The same government and the pharmaceutical industry was against niacin use to reduce cholesterol, that is until they found a way to patent it. It's always the money trail or a threat to a minion's fiefdom.
The pharamaceutical industry. Boortz used to rant like a madman over 'teachers prescribing drugs for students'. Teachers cannot prescribe medication--to begin with and nor recommend it. You could wind up in court for such a remark.
Never a word said against the pharmaceutical industry/corporations nor a word against HMO's notorious for the way they misuse medicine/corporations. I had an experience with Kaiser--there was to be a substantial discount on medications---just never seemed to apply and they readily prescribed rx's.

It is a corrupt industry, I am certain but, if it keeps the economy going--we should just let them do as they please--so some seem to think.
All the commercials---antidepressants, every kind of rx---I would be very hesitant to take an rx advertised on TV. 'You are sick, so sick--' as long as money is made--that is what matters.
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