When I move to Abq in the next few months, I'll be looking for a doctor as well as everything else. I presently have a doctor (D.O.) in a group with most other doctor services as well (maybe 30 doctors in 3 locations), so it's easy to go from my DO to a Surgeon, to Urology, or whatever. Can anyone recommend a medical group to check out that is more than 1-3 doctors? I'd prefer one in the SE or lower NE, south of Montgomery, east of Wyoming or San Pedro.
Looks like my 1st reply didn't work. There are three large medical groups in Albq, Presbyterian, Lovelace and UNM. Pres is the largest with facilities, two hospitals, medical groups (Drs) and urgent care facilities. Most are in the NE part of the city. Lovelace also has serveral locations and UNM (university of NM) is centeraly located near I25 and Centeral Ave. My wife and I use both Pres and UNM. We have been pretty much satisfied. The Pres med group we use is located at 8800 Montgomery NE west of Louisana NE. Pres has a website and I believe UNM & Lovelace does also. UNM can be an adventure because you get to deal with Med students but they tend to have the latest in stuff. As an aside, I have a friend who is a Doc at UNM but he uses Pres.
ABq Health partners is a good group. They are part of Presbyterian. My Doctor is DR Sears, he just retired so I need to pick one of the others. I have seen several of them when Dr Sears was out and was happy.
They are located on Juan Tabo on the southern end.
The lab and pharmacy are in their office no need for multiple trips.
Thanks guys. When I get there I'll also just be starting Medicare (65 in April too, besides the move). I just today found out that IBM retiree medical plans for those Medicare eligible in NM includes Lovelace and Presbyterian options, I should be fine with coverage wherever I end up.