I WISH it would rain here. During the winter it'll rain constantly, whilst being 80 degrees. During the summer, it'll never rain, whilst still being 80 degrees. Frustrating.
Discover Scentsy at Lucky Lucy Scentsy Products - an independent Scentsy consultant!
I WISH it would rain here. During the winter it'll rain constantly, whilst being 80 degrees. During the summer, it'll never rain, whilst still being 80 degrees. Frustrating.
we should keep this thread going. i will add some interesting pics this winter when it's cold. you ever seen your pee evaporate before it hits the ground? has your coffee ever froze in your cup as your walking into work? i love this place lol...
"the path of greatest resistance reaps the greatest rewards"
Do you have a jacket collection you never get to wear? My attraction to winter is I have clothes I look good in but I can only wear when cold, otherwise I just sweat profusely.
Do you have a jacket collection you never get to wear? My attraction to winter is I have clothes I look good in but I can only wear when cold, otherwise I just sweat profusely.
Oh man do I. I've always lived in cold places, so now I come here, and I've got a few boxes full of just jackets, sweatshirts, blah de blah.
One interesting thing, is what your body gets used to.
I've gotten so used to 85 degree weather, that if we have a day where it's 70 or 75, I can honestly wear a sweatshirt and not sweat. You'll see some locals wearing sweatshirts in 80 degree weather - I don't understand it.
Discover Scentsy at Lucky Lucy Scentsy Products - an independent Scentsy consultant!
Oh man do I. I've always lived in cold places, so now I come here, and I've got a few boxes full of just jackets, sweatshirts, blah de blah.
One interesting thing, is what your body gets used to.
I've gotten so used to 85 degree weather, that if we have a day where it's 70 or 75, I can honestly wear a sweatshirt and not sweat. You'll see some locals wearing sweatshirts in 80 degree weather - I don't understand it.
It's 84 here and it's still to dang hot. Stupid humidity.
We don't start getting actually cold for a bit longer.