ART in San Marcos
Hello folks and goer's. Monkey Anvil here with a short announcement.
I'm writing the Art Column for Scene Magazine covering San Marcos and I'd really like a heads-up on what art-like stuff is going on locally. Not music per'se, just visual art. If you know of anyone who is hagning their stuff up somewhere, really cool yard art, a small gallery show, home show, etc...lemme know and I'll cover it for the paper.
In the meantime, if you have any interesting stories that are current and you feel may need to be told...lemme know that also. Annnnnnnd...if you're in a band and would like to have your CD reviewed by the fellow who does "Band of The Month" and can lemme know that as well. By the way, I ain't a paid staffer, just a volunteer contributing writer for the magazine.
"BAF! BAM! KAPOW!" - Batman and Robin