I was up in Elbe WA, about 3 weeks ago shooting guns and just messing around. I went to the truck to fire up the camp stove and start cooking up the bratwursts because we were getting hungry. That's when I noticed that my wedding had fallen off somewhere.
I looked all over for about an hour, but couldn't find it anywhere. There was between 4 and 6 inches of snow, and the ground is littered with a few hundred THOUSAND rounds of spend ammo casings making my eyes not work right.
Eventually I had to give up and head home.
When I told my wife what happened she flipped out and didn't talk to me for 2 days.
Me: How are you?
Her: ...
well I started looking around at metal detectors and trying to figure out how one would tell the difference between gold vs brass/copper/lead/aluminum etc. I came to the conclusion that it is possible but would take _years_ of experience to actually do it.
So I started looking around for local metal detector clubs to ask about this.
I actually found one, and in their guestbook online was somebody posting from
Lost My Stuff Group - Home Page about helping people find lost rings and whatnot.
So I figured what the hell, and emailed them. I figured nobody would ever respond, and I also assumed my ring was gone forever.
About 3 days later I got a phone call from a guy named Robert AKA 'Wolf' who grew up near Elbe and was willing to give it a try despite the conditions the ring is in. Robert came up to my place last Sat, and we went up there. Luckily there was a lot less snow. First he wanted me to walk him around and show him where I lost it. By complete chance he literally walked right to the ring. He never even took his metal detector out of the bag!
Story with pics.
Lost My Stuff Group - Success Stories