Originally Posted by gregs887
That has nothing to do with it. Who cares if the kid wants the toy? She needs to be the parent and say no. If the kid really wants the toy that bad you can buy them separately for a few bucks. When are people going to start taking responsibility for themselves?
Daily Show just had a great bit about this w/ San Francisco's new law about no toys with kids meals that don't meet certain nutritional standards. They regularly do some clever cuts on that show to make a point(or just get a laugh), but this time it seemed they barely had to try. Eric Mar readily fell into a bad logic loop game played by the interviewer Aasif Mandvi. I'm sure it will be up on youtube/hulu/etc. soon.
Originally Posted by yomondo
Not that it matters, but I thought I remembered that being an old lady. I think she got $400k in an out-of-court settlement. Ticks me off that people can get away with stuff like this instead of taking responsibility for their own actions.
Yes, it was an old lady with the coffee cup thing. In my home state of New Mexico too
The "Stella Awards" takes their name from her.
The TRUE Stella Awards -- Exposing Lawsuit Abuse with Real Cases