Don't know what this is called . . . I call it "stoup"
I cut beef squares, bout an inch. (I brown it)
wack up some carrots, chop some cellery, add corn, fresh peas, cut up camote squares, chopped taters, califlour, zuccinni, chopped onions, Bellpepper chopped, (almost any veggie you like)
SPICES; Santa Cruz Chili & spice's "Sonora Season" , Chilli powder, mesquite season.
Oregano, cellery salt (don't ask how much, I add a pinch o this and a smidgeon o that)
I add a can or two of stewed tomatoes, and add some Santa Cruz Picante to that.
I either cook it on the stove with bay leaves in it or in the crock pot over night.
We usually eat it with fresh tortillas (wheat)