I've only been brewing for a year and just got into all grain, but I'll give you an extra hand if you ever need one.
I actually have a Rogue Shakespeare Stout clone all grain kit (Thespian Stout from High Gravity) that I haven't brewed yet. It's for a 5 gallon batch. I don't actually drink stout that much. I actually prefer ales. I just want to make it for some old friends in Jersey that made a couple of requests. I'll be will to split it for free if you bring your own carboy or something whenever I decide to brew it.
I've only been brewing for a year and just got into all grain, but I'll give you an extra hand if you ever need one.
I actually have a Rogue Shakespeare Stout clone all grain kit (Thespian Stout from High Gravity) that I haven't brewed yet. It's for a 5 gallon batch. I don't actually drink stout that much. I actually prefer ales. I just want to make it for some old friends in Jersey that made a couple of requests. I'll be will to split it for free if you bring your own carboy or something whenever I decide to brew it.
I'd love to split it with you, I love the Shakespeare Stout. When are you planning on brewing it?
im down.
can it be a little more north then miami?
palm beach gardens here, so thats a decent hike with 5 gallons of wort.
theres gotta be a ft lauderdale brewer in here somewhere.
Im always looking for some help with my homebrews, I live in Aventura and have been homebrewing for almost two years and have been knocking out anywhere from 2-4 brews a month. I have a imperial ipa and a lambic in primary fermentation right now. With a coconut porter and barrel aged barleywine up on the board next.
Coral Springs here. Been brewing for about 6 months with about 50 gal under the belt. Have almost all the equipment to go allgrain for up to 15 gallons.... B