"Why be sensitive about Obama? If someone else were POTUS while these things are increasing I would use their name, but it's his shift!"
BTW I wonder why Eddie T cut out the part in his OP that Zinke is a Republican. If anyone is using this as political ammunition it seems to be the Republican, specifically Zinke. Also I wonder why this was published in a London paper and not, lets say, the NY Times? Seems Eddie T omitted that part as well.
Another BTW. The decision may have been made by Admiral McRaven but that decision MUST be approved by POTUS.
As far as the SEALS, name one active duty SEAL tem member that has been a part of this and has been interviewed. You can't because this is one Republican coming out for his own political gain and you took the bait. No wonder you're a Republican.
Another BTW. you still haven't answered my question from the other thread. What is the fundamental difference between Republicans and Democrats? Do you even know or are you another sheep being lead around by his emotions rather than making a rational, intelligent decision?
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.
I am an independent voter, what makes me think SW is a democrat that must defend his Obama?
What makes you think I am a Democrat? Fact is I am not. If anything I would probably be considered a Liberal Republican. I also believe in making responsible, rational and well thought out decisions and NOT being a knee-jerk reactionary that doesn't know the difference between a Republican and Democrat.
Other than 1 Republican making these statements show me proof,evidence that a active duty SEAL was interviewed and goes on record in making any statement on this subject. Back up your OP.
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.
So you have no proof, no evidence, not even an undisclosed source that wishes to remain anonymous, other than 1 Republican politician that makes a (inaccurate) statement in a foreign newspaper and you use that as your rationale? OK, got it.
The fundamental difference between Republicans and Democrats? What's wrong? Can't find it in Wiki or Google?
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.
So you have no proof, no evidence, not even an undisclosed source that wishes to remain anonymous, other than 1 Republican politician that makes a (inaccurate) statement in a foreign newspaper and you use that as your rationale? OK, got it.
The fundamental difference between Republicans and Democrats? What's wrong? Can't find it in Wiki or Google?
Don't need to. I already know. I'll give you the same hint again: It has nothing to do with being Liberal or Conservative.
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.
Don't need to. I already know. I'll give you the same hint again: It has nothing to do with being Liberal or Conservative.
I think the SEALs were not thinking liberal, conservative, democrat or republican; they are just miffed at being used politically. But, I have to agree it's not a poll as there are hundreds of SEALs just in ST6.
I think the SEALs were not thinking liberal, conservative, democrat or republican; they are just miffed at being used politically. But, I have to agree it's not a poll as there are hundreds of SEALs just in ST6.
I agree with you completely about the SEALS. I also believe that this article does not represent the sentiment of Navy SEALS but attempt of one Republican to gain attention and discredit the POTUS. Consider this. Why now? Why not immediately after it happened? What is happening now that was not happening at the time? Oh yeah, the upcoming elections. Could that have anything to do with the timing?
As far as the military being used as a political instrument that is the purpose of the military. The military was used as "the last resort of diplomacy" when I entered the US Army in 1971 (remember Viet Nam?) and was used as a political instrument when I was deployed for Desert Shield/Storm before I retired with 20 years of service. So, you see, I do have some first hand experience as to this issue. The military is, has been and always will be, a tool of politicians. The only question is WHOSE politics. Those of LBJ or Kennedy or Lincoln or Wilson or Taft or Eisenhower or Bush or Bush or Obama? As you pointed out in another thread Obama was sitting in the seat, he made the decision, he gets the credit.
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.
One final thought. I had the privilege of being a instructor at the US Army Academy of Health Science at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio, TX from 1980-1982. What did I teach. Well, at that time the course was identified as 300-F1 later changed to 18D. In simple terms, Special Forces Medic. Green Berets. My personal experience is that they are some of the most apolitical soldiers you will find. They will follow the orders of the Commander-In-Chief as best they can and do their duty. They don't care about politics, only the opportunity to serve.
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.