for the people here that say the u.s. is the greatest and can do no wrong..... this isn't something that happened 100 years ago, So keep in mind other things that we do allow that are seen as ethically immoral in the rest of the developed world, and there are many things that fit that bill in the u.s. today..... what will be the next thing we look back on that we do today and say "wow was that ****ed up"? (I guarantee you there are a few, and some of you may even be perpetrators/slash victims)
Margaret Sanger a racist is credited as founder of Planned Parenthood with its legacy of racism and eugenics. We have a lot of skeletons (pun intended) in our collective closet.
Margaret Sanger a racist is credited as founder of Planned Parenthood with its legacy of racism and eugenics. We have a lot of skeletons (pun intended) in our collective closet.
yes, In the past the organization was less of a good thing then it is now, just like people blame a lack of religion for america's problems now, she also did the same thing back then as well, a lot of horrible stuff happens and often in the name of religion
yes, In the past the organization was less of a good thing then it is now, just like people blame a lack of religion for america's problems now, she also did the same thing back then as well, a lot of horrible stuff happens and often in the name of religion
You want to blame everything on religion but it's the same as saying 90% of mass murderers ate some kind of fruit or vegtable within 48 hours of committing each crime. So are fruits and veggies to blame? The basics of American problems today is as it was with the Romans. Of many contributers, the ones of note are the moral breakdown and the collapse of the family unit.
(and plz don't try to say Bush planned it, he's not that smart)
You want to blame everything on religion but it's the same as saying 90% of mass murderers ate some kind of fruit or vegtable within 48 hours of committing each crime. So are fruits and veggies to blame? The basics of American problems today is as it was with the Romans. Of many contributers, the ones of note are the moral breakdown and the collapse of the family unit.
(and plz don't try to say Bush planned it, he's not that smart)
I don't blame religion on everything evil, however as the saying goes "since the beginning of time good men have done good things and bad men have done bad things, but to make a good man do bad things you need religion....."
as for the collapse of the family unit that likely has a lot to do with america's focus of the family as being the nuclear family, not the extended family, and that has both good and bad things associated with that focus, the people in the middle east tend to focus on the extended family more........ this alone doesn't seem to change much, and in fact may do the opposite as it is harder for people to break the life of being not in charge...
If you live in an environment where the elders are in control and you are always to respect them how can you then speak out against them when they do wrong?
The NC sterilization program has finally made it to being addressed on our local media in WNC. It all happened under democrat control, but we let it happen!
The NC sterilization program has finally made it to being addressed on our local media in WNC. It all happened under democrat control, but we let it happen!
have a link to was actually voted in during this time period? or is this just another bit of false info? you throw out there for someone else to shoot down?
have a link to was actually voted in during this time period? or is this just another bit of false info? you throw out there for someone else to shoot down?
Just take a peek at NC history to see which party was in control.