Attn: Stayaway
California Vehical code section 21202 states that all cyclists should ride as close to the right hand of the roadway except under certain given conditions. One of the given conditions is if the roadway is to narrow for both motor and bicycle traffic to safely occupy the right hand lane, in which case the cyclist may move away from the right hand edge of the roadway to where they may sefely operate their bicycle. It say nothing regarding multiple riders, so if riding two or three wide is able to increase my saftey then I feel it is well within my legal right and I am going to do it. And we dont half to move out of your way unless conditions make it unsafe for you to pass us (i.e. 2 lane road with oncomming traffic). Here is the link to the vehical code
V C Section 21202 Operation on Roadway.
So, Stayaway, why dont you do us all a favor and well, stay away!