The best place I've ever been off roading was around the Philadelphia area. It was at Rauche Creek. I'm from Pittsburgh, and our choices around here are very limited. It was nice being able to off road out there, and have miles and miles to do it. The biggest problem was the ride out there, and no hotels around.
Anybody else ever head out there? What was your favorite part of it?
I need to go soon myself. Cousins went up last winter to go dirt biking and such and had a great time. Once I finish with the Jeep I need to get it there and test it out haha
I know it's not real off-roading, but sometimes I take my Liberty on the high voltage power line clear cut lands. In certain places, esp near conshohocken (west of Philly) the power lines cross some pretty steep terrain. The power company has switchbacks to get up the hills. Kinda fun!
I know it's not real off-roading, but sometimes I take my Liberty on the high voltage power line clear cut lands. In certain places, esp near conshohocken (west of Philly) the power lines cross some pretty steep terrain. The power company has switchbacks to get up the hills. Kinda fun!
I'm not that far from there... Is it legal to drive through there... Not looking to get any fines/ tickets. If so, how do I get to the trail from Ridge Pike? Thanks.
I posted in the other 4wd thread, but you need to check out Reading Anthracite Coal. Tons of land to do whatever you want. Mud pits, coal hills, woods riding. They own a lot of the land around Centralia too. Google Centralia if you don't know what/where it is. Also google Reading Amthracite Access Pass. $100/year.
I'm local to Rausch Creek (about 45 minutes away in Reading). Great place to off-road. I've wheeled there and in the Wharton State Forest (Pine Barrens in NJ). I may be going to RC once more this fall but I will be going to the Pine Barrens in November.