The "fishing pier" is from where I took the photos that are over the water(see the "tip" of a fishing rod in the second photo-upper right corner)....the pier was taken from the "hotel" at Cherry Grove Beach, South Carolina (East of Myrtle Beach)
The first two are "Sunrises" at Cherry Grove Breach, SC
and next two are sunsets reflecting from the "red" hood
of my'll have to guess the last one yourself......
and next two are sunsets reflecting from the "red" hood
of my pickup........
You're more the artist than you might see. You share what you see even when the perspective is an unusual one.
My friend teaches and writes books about street photography. He shows the viewer another aspect of "seeing" most of us rarely bother with but it brings the humanity back into the equation.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost