I'm ok with a toll. In other places I have been, the toll roads are way more enjoyable to travel on. Less traffic, less cops, easier commute. With that said, they'll have to have sometype of EZ Tag system in place, so you don't actually have to stop at the toll booth.
I'm not big on toll roads. The lines at the pay booth can get outrageous at times. I'm for the 540 extension but I wish they'd find a better way to fund it.
Tolls are fair. I hate subsidizing other people's driving. I don't drive that often, so why should my general fund dollars help pay for your auto addiction?
Contrary to popular belief, the federal 18.4 cent gas tax does not fully fund the highway fund. I'm all for local freeways, like 540, having tolls on them. Commuters should pay the cost of choosing to live so far away from where they work.
Tolls are fair. I hate subsidizing other people's driving. I don't drive that often, so why should my general fund dollars help pay for your auto addiction?
Contrary to popular belief, the federal 18.4 cent gas tax does not fully fund the highway fund. I'm all for local freeways, like 540, having tolls on them. Commuters should pay the cost of choosing to live so far away from where they work.
So I assume then you would also believe if you don't have kids then you should not have to pay for public Schools
The roads are there for eveyrone weather you use them or not is your Choice.