Originally Posted by Funetical
Red, aren't you an Atheist? The same suspended logic and half truths support the Alien theory as the God theory.
of course, but I am logical and like to think there is a logical basis behind beliefs at least to some degree at some point in time. comparatively I could more easily believe in the logic that ancient man had contact with some aliens and deemed them gods due to their far advanced technology then I could believe some gods popped everything into existence and then made all this scientific evidence directly contradict their teachings/stories.
not saying I buy any of it as a sure thing by any means, just that I find the idea interesting and a somewhat plausible hypothesis to explain religion, But then again I could be just looking for logic to explain religion when there is actually none to speak of.
Originally Posted by Funetical
Are you sure?
but then that does not have the horizontal/vertical fin combination, although I agree it could be some form of a misinterpreted animal or some kind of made up creature, I also wasn't thinking along the lines of sea creatures.