Teaberryeagle: Yes , GOD would have created the Aliens too. If they ever existed. The fallen angels as well, could they be the Aliens ? Who knows we werent there. IT is here say .I for one read, but do not believe in myths that are passed down by word of mouth, then written, and taken for granted as the absolute truth by the early indoctrinated , misled generations.
Could be Hillman. as for the sons of , God /Gods.. its the same idea .If its to be believed ... They liked what they saw.. :-) they being Angels , Giants or Aliens. They mated and they produced man with a higher intelligence.
Oh, wikipedia, how trite.
WHAT specifically does that story offer to the thread TOPIC??
Was J. Dean considered a God or Alien or Alien God?
If traveling in such realm is to be accepted, many of US can offer such similar themes in MANY MOVIES concluding that "COULD GOD BE A ALIEN" is simply SCIENCE of FICTION or what religion is to me, SCIENCE of FRICTION.
I offer:
FORBIDDEN PLANET (also made in '56) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049223/
The Deity being, of course, represented by the ID and WE THE HUMANS still have not a clue regarding comprehension of such Energy.
Philosophy and Theosophy are subjects which many religions shun because considering alternate, plausible ideas requires thought.
god: http://thesaurus.com/browse/god
Oh, wikipedia, how trite.
WHAT specifically does that story offer to the thread TOPIC??
Was J. Dean considered a God or Alien or Alien God? It was used as an example, although I abhor Wiki, that there has been a movie where "men" were referred to as "Giants" while we sensible folk did not actually believe nor consider them "Giants".
If traveling in such realm is to be accepted, many of US can offer such similar themes in MANY MOVIES concluding that "COULD GOD BE A ALIEN" is simply SCIENCE of FICTION or what religion is to me, SCIENCE of FRICTION.There's an ointment for that.
BTW, what does the thread TOPIC have to do with religion anyway?
Also, you referenced the 2 definitions below. Thanks for making my point so well.
Main Entry: god
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: supernatural being worshipped by people
Main Entry: alien
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: foreign being
A nobody telling everybody about Somebody.
The bible has been mentioned numerous times as well scripture there4 adding the word religion is appropriate and not off topic.
"In spite of the fact that religion looks backward to revealed truth while science looks forward to new vistas and discoveries, both activities produce a sense of awe and a curious mixture of humility and arrogance in their practitioners. All great scientists are inspired by the subtlety and beauty of the natural world that they are seeking to understand. Each new subatomic particle, every unexpected object, produces delight and wonderment. In constructing their theories, physicists are frequently guided by arcane concepts of elegance in the belief that the universe is intrinsically beautiful."
Paul Davies (b. 1946), British physicist, author. God and the New Physics, ch. 17, Simon & Schuster (1983).
This is fun! CHEERS!!
All Women are Ladies till They Prove otherwise!!