San Antonio doesn't, in my opinion, need any more mexican food places. There are certainly plenty of places to get a steak. What kinds of food are poorly represented here?
Honestly, restaurants that offer local/slow food and alternative choices. I'm not vegan or any of that, but my wife has Celiac's disease (unable to digest wheat gluten), and our only choices to get a gluten free menu are chain restaurants! We moved here from Austin and were a little disappointed by the local choices for any type of "alternative" (Wheat Free, Dairy Free, Vegan) food.
Honestly, restaurants that offer local/slow food and alternative choices. I'm not vegan or any of that, but my wife has Celiac's disease (unable to digest wheat gluten), and our only choices to get a gluten free menu are chain restaurants! We moved here from Austin and were a little disappointed by the local choices for any type of "alternative" (Wheat Free, Dairy Free, Vegan) food.
Unfortunately people with specific dietary needs such as your wife, and your choice for a vegan diet, are in the minority. Places such as California and bigger cities that are more "trendy" may have more alternative choices.
San Antonio isn't a trendy city and doesn't market itself as one.
I sort of find Austin to have a very hippy-ish feel, much like SoCal.
Hello defenderTX. I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease about 2 years ago. Being a foodie, it was a challenge to dine out in San Antonio. I also travel a lot throughout Texas. In my spare time, I have just started a Gluten Free Dining Blog for Texas. I have discovered many restaurants in San Antonio, Austin and Houston that offer Gluten Free menus. San Antonio has places like Aldaco's, Little Aussie Bakery, Sushi Zushi and The Cove (those posts will be up soon). Yes it's true, ATX does have a larger selection but I find San Antonio chefs are more aware now. I am just starting my blog and some entries are from chains though my main focus will be chef-owned restaurants! Please tell your wife to check out the blog...more posts almost daily! A Texas-sized Gluten Free Restaurant Guide ? The Gluten Free Fork
Thank you! Happy Gluten free Dining is Peace of Mind Dining!