simply email and ask her for the results of the last three years of food inspections results. I only have the 2003 and 2005 inspections: Average demerits in 2003, 16.87. Italian Gardens 2003, 49, on 4/22/03. Re-inspect: 19, on 5/6/03. Complaint filed 7/11/03. In 2005: on 5/31/2005 Italian Gardens received 44 demerits. On re-inspect: 6/13/05 (finally) they scored an 11. Only 2 restaurants scored worse than Italian Gardens, Taqueria Mazatlan, 54, and Taste of China, 50. One restaurant tied(!) with Italian Gardens, guess which one? I'll give you a hint: when your restaurant is crap, how do you fix it? That's right, change the name! Kismet scored a 44 as well. Thank god for The Cedars.