"You see, I have been leading the charge to save the millions of dollars of state money for the first leg of the San Marcos Loop, or FM 110 project, since the failed county bond election last May."
The Mayor is refering to the 133 million dollars TxDot was giving Hays County in a pass-through financing program, in which the state of Texas would reimburse the county. The county agreed to let San Marcos have the money from TXDot (about 17.6 million) for the loop. Plus there is 2 million in federal dollars allocated in 2005. Plus the county has already spent about 1 million on design and enviornmental studies. Not to mention that the county could still help with some costs. The details are still not worked out. TXDot and the county will be meeting November 19th accorrding to the Eagle to discuss the options. TXDot still has to approve the changes and the contract between the county and TXDot will need to be changed.
Is the Wonder World extension the same thing as the 3407 extension to RR12? (I'm looking at the CAMPO 2030 map) I have it on good authority that the contractors don't understand they have to follow endangered species regulations...
My bet is the Yarrington overpass is part of the long term 110 project (although the map I have shows 110 crossing just north of Yarrington. Isn't the 90% of the loop outside of city limits?) Or maybe they are finally realizing that having the train tracks make one part of town regularly blocked for emergency responders is a bad idea...
Where does the extension of Craddock fit in to the plans? Shouldn't that be done before 110?
The 3407 extension and the WW Drive extension are the same thing. most alignments of the eastern loop that i have seen have its northern terminus at Yarrington Road. So the railroad overpass and extension of Yarrington west of Post Road to serve the 2,000-home Blanco Vista subdivision could be part of the loop. As far as I know, there is not much chance that the loop will ever be built around the west side of town, largely because of environmental reasons. (i.e. Wonder World Drive extension runs through the recharge zone and in an area with lots of caves. It's costing about $50-60 million for three miles.)
The Craddock avenue extension is planned for 09-10. The wonder world project was held up by enviornmental studies and a burial ground finding. I would suggest looking at the budget located on the city web page or calling the city to find out more information. Most of the projects related to city streets in neighborhoods correspond with drainage and sewer systems being re-built. Why re-do a road today that will be rip up tomorrow? We saw that with Bishop. Loop 110 will help get the trucks and traffic off of our city streets and onto highways that are built to with stand that type of traffic. The pass-through agreement allows us to take advantage of state funding now and prepare for the future today and not when it is too late. It will also promote economic development on the east side of 35, instead of the wonder world loop. You also have to factor in the effects of the I30 loop intersecting 35 west of FM1626 in Buda. Plus, do some research on the Trans texas corridor website on future projects. I think there is going to be another 35 (TTC-35) east of the current 35. Just some things to factor in to the equation. We sit between major US and State highways. Let's get them off our streets that we have to continue to repair due to over use.
Yeah, I think pushing for the eastern sections of 110 will be much more reasonable and beneficial to town. I think pushing development westward for that part of the loop is a bad idea environmentally and financially. Wonder World and Craddock are as far as things should go, and the city should work to keep development close to that western limit.
TX130 is only funded to where it meets US183. Sections 5 & 6 which will take it to I10 are not funded and may not be for years. TX45SE is under construction to tie TX130 to I35. It's what is under construction right now north of Buda. TX45SW falls into the same category as the western part of 110. To get it built they will have to cross critical recharge zone. But again, we won't ever build ourselves out of traffic problems. We need to encourage building up and improving the efficiency of core areas.
TX130 is not the TTC. The TTC goes much further eastward, and is really a boondoggle for Perry's cement contractor friends and a Spanish toll collection firm. One part is supposed to go from I10 up to Dallas, but the developers won't release the planned alignments (or they hadn't last time I checked) Rumors had it going through Smithville. With TX130 going in, there really isn't the need for it. They are trying to justify because of the planned increase in Mexican trucking traffic. I'm a strong supporter of toll roads, and I don't like the TTC.
Loop 110 will help get the trucks and traffic off of our city streets and onto highways that are built to with stand that type of traffic. The pass-through agreement allows us to take advantage of state funding now and prepare for the future today and not when it is too late. It will also promote economic development on the east side of 35, instead of the wonder world loop.
Just curious Citizen,
What trucks are you speaking of? The ones that travel north-south on IH35? I would assume that they will continue to use I-35. If you are referring to Hwy 80 and 123, those are state roads with maintenance paid by TXDOT. The Wonderworld Extension (FM3407) to RR12, can not be developed. It is a parkway style road with no curb cuts except for Franklin Drive and passes through 500 acres of city owned green space. As far as economic development, perhaps you are correct about that. But what if TP Gilmore, who owns most of the property that 110 is planned for, raises the price of all his land as he did when Clovis Barker was improved. Very few companies located there for that reason.
Actually your wrong...TP does not own most of the land...look it up at the Hays County Tax office. I'm talking about the trucks that drive from IH10 to 123 and 21 everyday. Yes, they are state roads... but the state doesn't have any more money and Hays County is not an immediate concern. They also travel Yarrington, River Rd, basically all the back streets to avoid a 45 minue delay. Then, you have all the residents taking side streets to avoid the traffic too. Going through neighborhoods on the east side and cutting through to get past the congestion. It shouldn't take an hour to get across town...I guess you don't get out much... Once the loop is completed (all phases) they will go around to hit 35. Look at the big picture....think 10 years from today...