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Old 09-07-2003, 08:04 AM  

Join Date: Jun 2003
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BTW most voters are educated..... Most doctors are too. You do the math.

P.S. List your freakin sources if you want to have an mature conversation about your personal views.

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Old 09-07-2003, 08:06 AM  

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I just looked at your links..... Very objective there little man..... How the hell did you ever get into college?

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Old 09-07-2003, 08:15 AM  

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I'll get back to you after another 12 hour shift of saving lives. Maybe that will help drain my head of all Jargon. Then again maybe I will just become incensed, thats all for now I need some sleep. Ya better step correct kid.
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Old 09-07-2003, 10:29 AM  
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The whole idea of trial by jury is based on the notion since legislators will have caps on civil suits, then ppl will go to court for what reason?


States that prop12 will nullify our bill of rights protection to allow courts and jury to award damagers in civil suits, not just medical malpractice.

All the courts and jury will be able to do is award the cap or award less. And in some instances 250,000 is not enough such as product defects, rape, or drunk driving incidents.

Sort of falls along the same notion, hey lets cap the amount of money that can be awarded so doctors can stay in work, and so that the big insurance companies can pass the savings on to us....

Insurence companies are in it to make money. THAT IS ALL
Thanks for the info, goes along of what i've been saying.

YES we medical professionals make mistakes. YES we can be sued. YES we can currently loose our entire net worth based on a biased SOB story.
Oh i believe, anyone can be sued in a time where lawyers are going after mcdonald's for making their clients fat.

But we do not all lose our ability to practice.
Yah, that's so tru so many bad doctors are allowed to keep practicing...hmmm seems like it's the Medical board's duty to tackle that issue, not prop 12.

It also fuels the argument that bad-apple doctors -- and regulators' limited ability to police them -- are partially responsible for soaring malpractice insurance premiums.

Yah, hmm now it starts too look it's more of the Medical Boards duty to oversee that bad doctors get more than a slap on the wrist..not a prop 12.

So what is a texan to do?

then maybe you should pursue a bill or act that would limit the Physicans practiceing capabilities after a major mistake.
Yup exactly, i agree as well. I don't see how prop 12 is going to boot bad doctors? Only thing it would do is slap the doctors w/ a 250,000 fine, and w/ poor medical board regulations, they can use all the money they saved from the case and practice again.

It seems Young man thatyou are highly intrested in where the money of this world goes to. That is a useless waste of time and energy.
I dont see how you derived from that inference, maybe this:
If it stated that insurance must contribue 10,20, or 30% of savings and distribute to patients then we could talk. But since it says nothing of the sort...whose to say the savings are passed on to the patients...only one way to find out right?
I thought thats what you wanted to hear? Isn't setting a cap going to allow insurance companies to lower premiums? Well, that's all based on an assumption. Especially since we both now that insurance companies are in it for the money. :roll:

It seems to me we need stricter review of what doctors are allowed to practice in our state of texas, not a amendment that would give bad doctors a slap on the wrist...
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Old 09-07-2003, 10:43 AM  
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More stuff

Heres some more stuff to stomach...


Consider these facts taken from the Texas Department of Insurance's claims files:

Economic damages - pay-outs to cover the tangible costs of medical care and lost wages - have risen, from about $88 million in 1988 to $315 million in 1999.

Punitive damages have remained constant since 1988 at about $1 million annually. They now represent less than 1/3 of 1% of total awards, the lowest level since 1988.

Non-economic damages have remained steady between $55 million and $85 million since 1988. In 2000, the latest year for which data is available, the total amount of non-economic damages dropped below the 1988 level, to $40 million, and the percentage of pay-outs in which non-economic damages were awarded has dropped from a high of nearly 40% to below 10%.
Of course this is coming from a site that was opposed to HB4 for the same reason, that it would set caps of 250,000 from each institution of medical service. 250,000 cap for doctors, hospitals, and nursing homes, not to exceed 750,000.

Well HB4 passed, and is effective as of sept 1 2003, so lets see if our insurance goes down, we have caps in place.. it should right? Lets all cross fingers and hope it does.

No i believe Hb4 was neccessary it does exactly what everyone wants...limits malpractice suits because it puts a cap.
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Old 09-07-2003, 03:09 PM  

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listen genious.... YOUR insurence doesn't budge. You are not an M.D. or other Medical Profesional who carries Malpractice insurence. That is the main issue here, so what ever the out come of decreased premiums... You aint gonna know first hand.
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Old 09-07-2003, 03:18 PM  

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HB4 would make it virtually impossible for an injured patient or his survivors to obtain competent legal counsel to pursue a claim. Medical malpractice investigations are complex, lengthy and expensive. Few victims or their survivors would be in a position to finance such an investigation. Few attorneys could afford to take their cases, when faced with the prospect of spending $150,000 or more out of their own pockets in the fact-finding phase alone and a maximum possible recovery of $250,000.

Is this to imply that people are willing to axcept 250,000 in order to rectify thier situations and prevent it from occuring in the futrer; and not accept 100,000 for the same purpose?

What is actually obtained this way??? Nothing more than cash. Wouldn't it be nice to have a dollar amount constantly remind you of how your loved one was maimed or killed? Ultimatly that's all that it serves to do. "Hey billy you lost a leg! Here's your own Never Land Ranch!" It's just sickening. Americans are in it to make a buck all the way. No time for grieving...... Needs the cash. Your antogist to this prop are in it for the cash too. Mostly republican politicians and trial lawyers. Most of who make more than 50% of the winnings for themselves.
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Old 09-07-2003, 03:25 PM  

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jeez man, where the hell do these people come from? There has to be some sort of acknowledgment that there are Professionals out there that exist to heal. The learning process of healing requires mistakes. Hospitals have thier own governance. There is an national board of of reguklators and regulations. There is a state Ombudsman Program, one that would allow over zealous college kids the ability to look out for thier fellow Texans. Look into it. What ever the out come, what ever your vote, think about takeing up the cause in a local manner. It is sad to think that you may have this much passion for the issue only to see it fade after the vote is cast. We need more people in the medical profesion as it is.
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Old 09-07-2003, 05:31 PM  
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Come again

Your not making much sense, the argument started out w/ passing prop 12, HJR3 so that insurance rates would come down for all texans beacuse a cap would be set, thus inflicting less damages towards the doctor, and HMO's. This in turn creates more Doctors to come and do business, and insurance companies to set up shop, as Monkey Anvil stated.

You've now said that i won't feel any change because i'm not a doctor, but that is not so. You even stated to yourself that insurance companies are out to make money. So why the hell would they even want to lower medical malpractice rates?

Does 1+2=2 um no...cause that's what you're saying.

pass prop12, HJR3, to allow a cap set on non eco damages, thus, limiting the the amount inflicted towards the doctors and HMO's.

W/ the money left over, the HMO's will pass the savings on to your malpractice premiums? Do i understand you correctly?

Do u have proof that they will pass the savings on? Does the proposition state that? Is their research showing that cases like these helped? ???

Once again insurance companies are in it for the money, come on, we both know that now.

If i had money left over i would be stupid to pass it on to you ,i'd keep it and raise the premiums just because i could, and no regulations in place would stop me.
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Old 09-07-2003, 05:37 PM  
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Then you direct me to a site, saying how bad HB4 would be?

Do u know what HB4 is? It puts a cap.. on each medical institution. For a sum of no more than 750,000 allowed to be collected.

Um isn't that what HJR3 is supposed to do, but instead hand the courts over the politicians and big money lobbyists, to lower that 750,000 to 250,000.

Hb4 is in place to prevent frivolous lawsuits, and does so nicely. It took effect sept1,2003. Give it some time before you see some insurance decrease for u're malpractice stuff....

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