If you want some "knock you on your ass" hot sauce find some stuff called The Source. Its easily the hottest stuff ever. Local place that sells the stuff makes people sign a waiver before they try it. Most people end up in the parking lot puking their guts up after only a toothpick tip sample.
For more edible stuff, I really like Tiger Sauce. Its got a sweet taste to it but still got plenty of kick. Also, when looking for something with some bite but not as unbearable as The Source, I will use Dave's Insanity. I don't usually like the typical hot sauces (Tabasco, Louisiana, Texas Pete, etc) due to their overwhelming vinegar taste.
You need to buy some "Z" sauce (4 million scoville) or some Mad Dog 357 (5 million scoville). For everyday use, Tapatio (3000 scoville) or Tabasco (~3500 scoville) works well.
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Member: Alice's Restaurant Anti-Massacree Movement
i love franks. im not kidding, i go through the big bottle every couple weeks...
I carry a little bottle with me when I go out. I am a heat freak.
Originally Posted by commodore_dude
Sriracha tastes good on almost anything... between that, Texas Pete and Cholula I can cover all bases aside from just seeing how insane I can get.
Never tried Sriracha, I shall look for it though now.
Originally Posted by vindicated
You want hot? You want hot!?!
You need to buy some "Z" sauce (4 million scoville) or some Mad Dog 357 (5 million scoville). For everyday use, Tapatio (3000 scoville) or Tabasco (~3500 scoville) works well.
Yes Vin I like HOT. Hotter the better for certain things.