You should hit up Hu Hot on college near Magnolia street. It's a fantastic mongolian grill that lets you make your own combinations. Every time I visit Ft Collins I end up eating there, despite all the other great choices.
Second Hu Hot, there is also one on the South side off Harmony by the Lowes/Target complex
Originally Posted by king1138
You should hit up Hu Hot on college near Magnolia street. It's a fantastic mongolian grill that lets you make your own combinations. Every time I visit Ft Collins I end up eating there, despite all the other great choices.
I really like Star of India. They have great service, great food, and a $9 lunch buffet. The buffet is perfect, because you can try so many different types of delicious food.
Lucille's on the corner of Magnolia and Meldrum is a fantastic place for breakfast and lunch. It's a cajun joint and their food is incredible.
They also have a Lucille's in Longmont, and in Boulder. I love the food there (especially for breakfast). The coffee is great (it has chicory in it), and the biscuits are pretty darn good (and come with most meals). And, of course, every SINGLE meal should include beignets.
Doesn't anybody like CooperSmiths anymore? I remember going there all the time for Fish-N-Chips on Friday.
I am personally not a huge fan, I didn't like their beer and their food didn't strike me as spectacular. The service seemed decent though. But I have only been there once, so maybe it was a fluke.
I am personally not a huge fan [of Coopersmiths], I didn't like their beer and their food didn't strike me as spectacular. The service seemed decent though. But I have only been there once, so maybe it was a fluke.
That was probably a fluke, or you have poor taste in beer and food. Because their beer and food is great. How are you going to pass up the local brew pub? Maybe you'd prefer a dried out burger and a bud from Jacksons.