honestly that doesnt make me mad. i am lucky and priveliged to live in a country where you have the right to say openly that you dont support the government or you dont support your country. it may mean nothing now, but when/if we ever ger to the point where our freedoms are being taken away, our country s full of people not afraid to say something about it...
"the path of greatest resistance reaps the greatest rewards"
Even if you don't support the country or the government NOW has nothing to do with showing respect to the nation and the flag. If they're making laws you don't like, does that mean you should spit in the face of the hundreds of thousands of people who have died to give you the very life you have today?
I can understand being angry at the government, but I think that the government and the nation are two entirely different things.
Discover Scentsy at Lucky Lucy Scentsy Products - an independent Scentsy consultant!
what i was trying to say was you cant have freedom to a point, you have it al the way or none at all. this shows the extreme low side of it, but the fact that he can do that and not be arrested shows that we as americans can openly stand up against whatever we see fit.
"the path of greatest resistance reaps the greatest rewards"
I went though a phase in my life where I was disgusted with this country and refused to pledge allegiance to the flag. I refused to sing or stand for the national anthem and I refused to vote. I've since changed my mind about all that. I believe it was an important part of my life, a time when I was learning new things about life, politics, and myself. It was an exploratory stage for me and I'll never deny it or say I was wrong, only that I have changed.
I have the utmost respect for the men and women who died so I could think like that. I thank them for ensuring those freedoms for all of us, even a-holes like me. I thank them for doing something I couldn't. I've become a better person because of them, I only hope I can return the favor somehow, someday.
what i was trying to say was you cant have freedom to a point, you have it al the way or none at all. this shows the extreme low side of it, but the fact that he can do that and not be arrested shows that we as americans can openly stand up against whatever we see fit.
Surprisingly, I'd have to agree! I guess I'm just sensitive on this example in general. I'm all for our freedoms to do whatever we please - I guess things like in particular just get under my skin.
Originally Posted by jeepcache
lol at the democrat tag btw
Hah I was hoping someone would notice that
Originally Posted by PragmaticHubris
I went though a phase in my life where I was disgusted with this country and refused to pledge allegiance to the flag. I refused to sing or stand for the national anthem and I refused to vote. I've since changed my mind about all that. I believe it was an important part of my life, a time when I was learning new things about life, politics, and myself. It was an exploratory stage for me and I'll never deny it or say I was wrong, only that I have changed.
I have the utmost respect for the men and women who died so I could think like that. I thank them for ensuring those freedoms for all of us, even a-holes like me. I thank them for doing something I couldn't. I've become a better person because of them, I only hope I can return the favor somehow, someday.
Just your support is returning the favor enough - there's too many people nowadays trying to turn the Middle East into another Vietnam. Too many veterans are coming home and not being thanked or encouraged for what they did. I know I'm in the Corps, so I'm not trying to toot my own horn here, but I give my Marines all the encouragement possible - it's a toguh time to be in the military.
Thank you brother!
Discover Scentsy at Lucky Lucy Scentsy Products - an independent Scentsy consultant!