I agree that it is a great alternative to taking the real bad drugs from your local pharmacy and have noticed a HUGE difference!
There is a good and bad side to legalizing it as you all already know. A great documentary to watch online for the TRUTH is 'The Union' it is very eye opening!
Booze is WAY worse and more harmful for people than cannabis (original name) like killing your brain cells!! I have seen people who drink everyday get worse and worse over even heavy medical/non-medical users of marijuana!
There have been medical studies that have show how it can reduce brain tumors...of course there are many more pluses to taking marijuana than just that...I don't agree with just using and not doing anything with your life.
I went to high school with add kids that had good grades and could focus only because they smoked.
Don't believe everything, I mean anything, the Gov or Media tells you about marijuana...much less anything else, until you see with your very own eyes that it is true (not read, SEE).
DUI, MADD, hummm why is alcohol still legal when it kills more people than pot does, I mean wait a minute, pot has yet to kill anyone!!