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Old 02-09-2012, 06:07 PM  
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Bristol, Tennessee
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Socialism More Popular Than Congress


I said it before and it appears to be the case, this right wing agenda to label everything obama does as "socialism" is coming back around in a bad way, if we label accessible/affordable healthcare, medicare or social security (or anything Obama or the democrats do) as socialism people will want socialism.

the right needs to give up that agenda before we actually do elect a socialist....

The main point of the article is how fed up people are with this do-nothing congress, and it primarily has been the republicans saying "no" to everything and failing to compromise in the least (as boehner said "we got 98% of what we wanted") but failing to present any real solutions.

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Old 02-10-2012, 06:15 AM  
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Greenville, SC
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Okay, so are you saying that what has been going on has absolutely no resemblance or relationship to socialistic ideals? It's like the boiling of the frog analogy... If it happens slow enough he won't notice... it might actually feel good until he is boiled.

"A society that puts equality ... ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom."

--Milton Friedman (1912-2006)
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Old 02-10-2012, 04:03 PM  
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Bristol, Tennessee
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Originally Posted by YelloJeep View Post
Okay, so are you saying that what has been going on has absolutely no resemblance or relationship to socialistic ideals? It's like the boiling of the frog analogy... If it happens slow enough he won't notice... it might actually feel good until he is boiled.
same argumant can be said for fascism/theocracy, which we were rapidly heading towards with Bush and many republicans want to continue down that path.

but an intelligent viewpoint would be that there needs to be some mix and compromise, a non-intelligent viewpoint is "no", the broken system is fine.

which side are the republicans on?
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Old 02-12-2012, 11:20 AM  
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Originally Posted by RedJeepXJ View Post
same argumant can be said for fascism/theocracy, which we were rapidly heading towards with Bush and many republicans want to continue down that path.

but an intelligent viewpoint would be that there needs to be some mix and compromise, a non-intelligent viewpoint is "no", the broken system is fine.

which side are the republicans on?
I'll choose freedom every time. This go-round it appears than any choice trumps Obama for freedom lovers.
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Old 02-12-2012, 01:18 PM  
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Originally Posted by Eddie_T View Post
I'll choose freedom every time. This go-round it appears than any choice trumps Obama for freedom lovers.
but you seem to lean heavy towards republicans... so therefore your argument is illogical, you want freedom but argue in favor of those who take it away.....

what exactly do you consider freedoms? the freedom to not be chained to job due to a health insurance scam, the freedom to ask in a group for higher pay? the freedom of contraception/abortion? the freedom to truly practice or be free from any religion? the freedom for gays to marry? the freedom to make your own choices?

<-- these are all freedoms the republicans are against

unless you meant freedoms for corporations, then republicans are all about that, clean water, screw that, pollute that river/stream, air quality, no concerns with expensive scrubbers, pollute away, who cares if the people nearby get cancer. Yes, those freedoms right?
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Old 02-13-2012, 06:39 AM  
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Greenville, SC
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Originally Posted by Eddie_T View Post
I'll choose freedom every time. This go-round it appears than any choice trumps Obama for freedom lovers.
I am for Erring on the side of freedom also. NOT including the "freedom" to murder unborn children.
And not the "freedom" to promote that a male plug and a male plug is meant to work together.. Try to plug them into one another all day long and it will NEVER work.
"A society that puts equality ... ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom."

--Milton Friedman (1912-2006)
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Old 02-13-2012, 04:06 PM  
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Originally Posted by YelloJeep View Post
I am for Erring on the side of freedom also. NOT including the "freedom" to murder unborn children.
And not the "freedom" to promote that a male plug and a male plug is meant to work together.. Try to plug them into one another all day long and it will NEVER work.
no one is going for promotion of making people gay as you suggest, it's funny how the right alledges their freedom is being trampled on when the bible can't be taught to a class in puplic school but then don't see it as a freedom being destroyed to say a couple can't have the same rights......
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Old 02-14-2012, 06:10 AM  
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Greenville, SC
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Originally Posted by RedJeepXJ View Post
no one is going for promotion of making people gay as you suggest, it's funny how the right alledges their freedom is being trampled on when the bible can't be taught to a class in puplic school but then don't see it as a freedom being destroyed to say a couple can't have the same rights......
If certain behaviors are presented as "normal," "natural," and "acceptable" then you are certainly encouraging a behavior.

(I really don't want to get into a whole "it is natural" debate either....)
Mostly for the sake of staying on topic...
"A society that puts equality ... ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom."

--Milton Friedman (1912-2006)
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Old 02-14-2012, 09:00 PM  
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Bristol, Tennessee
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Originally Posted by YelloJeep View Post
If certain behaviors are presented as "normal," "natural," and "acceptable" then you are certainly encouraging a behavior.

(I really don't want to get into a whole "it is natural" debate either....)
Mostly for the sake of staying on topic...
same can be said for MANY religious actions that go against any form of logic/reasonableness/scientific theory or humanity, but going around banning whatever YOU happen to disagree with goes against the entire ideology of a free society.

If you want a religion controlled state I suggest Iran, after all tat is what the right wants to turn us into, a christian version of Iran
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Old 02-15-2012, 06:32 AM  
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Greenville, SC
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Originally Posted by RedJeepXJ View Post
same can be said for MANY religious actions that go against any form of logic/reasonableness/scientific theory or humanity, but going around banning whatever YOU happen to disagree with goes against the entire ideology of a free society.

If you want a religion controlled state I suggest Iran, after all tat is what the right wants to turn us into, a christian version of Iran
If you think stating that a male plug plugged into a male plug is how it can work is an opinion then that's your deal... Taking a fact and calling it an opinion and calling it an opinion doesn't make you correct.

Intercourse is specifically designed for the purpose of reproduction (of course, we know it is also quite enjoyable.. If it wasn't enjoyable we wouldn't have produced as much historically)....
It isn't the other way around.... "Designed for enjoyment and for SOME it happens to result in pregnancy." That is just a ridiculous statement.

"A society that puts equality ... ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom."

--Milton Friedman (1912-2006)
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