I'm just sort of curious, because it is coming one day, when it will be, and who will be the great president to extend marriage to gays and lesbian couples. The whole notion of this discrimination is so laughable. It makes me sad to think about all those people in our countries history, who suffered at the hands of the self righteous element that would try to restrict ones freedoms, that our constitution grants all of us, irregardless. Anyone willing to call out a date or president figure you feel might pull the trigger on this and do what's right?
This issue does not concern me as I am involved with a permanit relationship. With that said I don't agree that this is a vital option, nor would plural marriages either BUT . . I am not a judge for those that do believe in these other lifestyles and feel time has come to end these prejudices and allow these marriages to take place. No one is trying to stop us hetero marriages why should we stop yours. Heck yeah, I'ld vote for em.
Personally, I don't think the government should recognize any sort of marriage.
But since that's not going to happen...
Federal recognition of gay marriage, most likely in the form of a supreme court decision, will likely happen by 2020, possibly by 2015. By 2025, the same forms and procedures will be used by anyone to apply for a marriage license, and government will offer the same recognition of married couples, regardless of the genders of the individuals.
Here's a question - what happens to a legal marriage today when one of the partners completes a sex-change?
Polygamy is still a reviled system in the US - popular support for polygamy will be a long time coming, and will require extensive modification of existing law to incorporate. Probably another 20 to 40 years.
We work together every damn day. --Jon Stewart
Marriage as a whole sure seems to be a joke anymore. Less folks are doing it. I've been in a relationship for years. Unmarried. Anyone else?
Holy crappoly, this is scary, we agree on sumthin. Marriage (IMO) is an institute that is disrespected and obsolete because of it. Nothing but a joke.
So, two or more consenting adults and I don't give a rat's behind about it.
Marriage takes patience, withstanding, and selflessness that few seem to possess anymore.
Unfortunately, I'm one of those crazy guys who believes America was found on Godly principles, and, therefore, don't think that gay's should be married.
Let the flurry of arguments and cheap insults ensue.
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No cheap shots. I respect your opinion. If we were a nation of God loving people and some didn't have the feelings that they did, for members of the same sex, well then this country would be set. But the government of the people, must include those who might not believe in God, or feel that it's okay to be who they are whithin their relationship with God.