I smoke Winstons, before them I used to smoke the camel cancer cannons (camel wides).
I have a Jessy S. A starter kit cost me $70, but a bottle of 10mil E-cig juice costs $6 which is equal to 140 cigs (7 packs).
And at $7 a pack that would be $49 so this thing will pay for
itself in no time. Plus you can get all kinds of cool flavors, I got a Winston flavor a gummy
bear flavor, a mint chocolate chip ice cream flavor, a chocolate chip ice cream flavor and
a house flavor called Wyatt Earp.
This is what I got
FreedomSmokeUSA It was on sale in the store. But even at that price it is worth it.
It has settings for high/low strength and everything. Plus like I said with the savings on cigs it pays for it self really quick.
I tried patches and I had a bad reaction to them, I turned all red and got a bad rash around the patch, and it burned like hell.
My wife is happy I got it and so am I. I think the best part is you can smell my nice
cologne instead of cig smoke on me.