To be honest just don't feel the need to. A handgun won't save your life all the time.
I know some folks will shake their head at that but your mind is the best weapon of all.
To be honest just don't feel the need to. A handgun won't save your life all the time.
I know some folks will shake their head at that but your mind is the best weapon of all.
No, I agree - the mind is the only actual weapon, everything else is just a tool. And I'm not trying to persuade you either way, or criticize your decision. I'm just curious as to anyone's decision to carry or not.
For my own part, I think the idea that one would carry a gun only where he felt the need to is just a skip and a jump from: "If you feel like you should be carrying a gun in some place, you shouldn't be going to that place to begin with". If we're each held to the standard that a "reasonable person" shouldn't be walking on a certain public sidewalk at a certain time of day because of the risk of crime - if we can be prosecuted for violating that "reasonable person" standard, then we have given criminals a de facto right to commit crime.
I know, I know, I'm WAY off on a tangent. But it wouldn't be much of a forum of we all sat around, silently agreeing with eachother.
No, I agree - the mind is the only actual weapon, everything else is just a tool. And I'm not trying to persuade you either way, or criticize your decision. I'm just curious as to anyone's decision to carry or not.
For my own part, I think the idea that one would carry a gun only where he felt the need to is just a skip and a jump from: "If you feel like you should be carrying a gun in some place, you shouldn't be going to that place to begin with". If we're each held to the standard that a "reasonable person" shouldn't be walking on a certain public sidewalk at a certain time of day because of the risk of crime - if we can be prosecuted for violating that "reasonable person" standard, then we have given criminals a de facto right to commit crime.
I know, I know, I'm WAY off on a tangent. But it wouldn't be much of a forum of we all sat around, silently agreeing with eachother.
No I understand what and where you are coming from. I didn't mean to sound like a Smart- A$$ with ya. I also as well as alot of other folks do that yes crime is way out of control and I feel like alot of other folks will get worse before better I pray not worse. To be honest I had to sell my handguns due to economic conditions
I did keep my 870-20 ga with my 2 barrels for my home defense. It would be you know what or high water before selling that one as it has filled my table with game from rabbits to alot of deer meat. I used to hate packing or carrying because it was really more of a pain in the back side had to dress for carry etc. Plus I felt all eyes were upon me and where my handgun was.
Not to mention limit on where you could carry such as business etc. Unlike a person is trained in hand to hand combat you don't have to worry about packing heat because you are the heat.
No I understand what and where you are coming from. I didn't mean to sound like a Smart- A$$ with ya. I also as well as alot of other folks do that yes crime is way out of control and I feel like alot of other folks will get worse before better I pray not worse. To be honest I had to sell my handguns due to economic conditions
I did keep my 870-20 ga with my 2 barrels for my home defense. It would be you know what or high water before selling that one as it has filled my table with game from rabbits to alot of deer meat. I used to hate packing or carrying because it was really more of a pain in the back side had to dress for carry etc. Plus I felt all eyes were upon me and where my handgun was.
Not to mention limit on where you could carry such as business etc. Unlike a person is trained in hand to hand combat you don't have to worry about packing heat because you are the heat.
I haven't gotten into hunting yet. Getting fairly adept at hitting clay pigeons, but never developed a taste for them. And they're such a pain to clean and cook.
Picked up an 870 Express, 12ga w/ 26" barrel and 20" slug barrel earlier this year. I can shoot it pretty good, but I'm not comfortable using it as a home defense weapon - yet. Sucks that you had to sell your handguns. I've been fortunate in that regard - my savings have taken a bit of a hit and we've forgone a lot of "fun" things, but we're getting by and things seem to be taking a turn for the better.
I carried openly a few times before I took the licensing course. Nobody said a word. I wore my holster openly while taking the course, and kept my pistol in it when we weren't handling them. It was actually on a break during the course that I had my first and only negative experience about open carry - the clerk at range where I took the course informed told me that store policy prohibited open carry. That's right, the first and only time I've ever had a problem with open carry, a gun nut was the one hassling me.
I know what you mean about carrying concealed. Wherever you hide it - especially in the waist band - it's uncomfortable, it feels like it bulges out, it jabs into your body. I never felt like it was secure, like it could pop out of its holster if I bent the wrong way or fell. And I was worried about ADs when reholstering. I know a good holster would have solved most of those problems, but I didn't have a lot of cash to spend on finding one I liked.
And yeah, I felt that people were either staring at me, or would freak out if my gun was accidentally exposed.
I decided to experiment the week after I got my license, and decided to carry openly just about everywhere I went, to see how much of an issue it would actually be. That was a little over a month ago. Since then, I've talked to two cops. The conversation started with me announcing that I was licensed and carrying, and them saying "OK" - and moving onto other issues, with nothing further said about the guns. I've had exactly 2 other conversations - once with a neighbor who was interested in one of the properties I'm managing, when the conversation turned to casual issues. And the other when I stopped to assist a former Marine/retired cop in changing a blown tire, small talk turned into gun talk. I've experienced nothing but a few glances and a couple casual conversations.
Honestly, I think the "concealed" part is more scary to the general public than the "gun" part.
I haven't gotten into hunting yet. Getting fairly adept at hitting clay pigeons, but never developed a taste for them. And they're such a pain to clean and cook.
Picked up an 870 Express, 12ga w/ 26" barrel and 20" slug barrel earlier this year. I can shoot it pretty good, but I'm not comfortable using it as a home defense weapon - yet. Sucks that you had to sell your handguns. I've been fortunate in that regard - my savings have taken a bit of a hit and we've forgone a lot of "fun" things, but we're getting by and things seem to be taking a turn for the better.
I carried openly a few times before I took the licensing course. Nobody said a word. I wore my holster openly while taking the course, and kept my pistol in it when we weren't handling them. It was actually on a break during the course that I had my first and only negative experience about open carry - the clerk at range where I took the course informed told me that store policy prohibited open carry. That's right, the first and only time I've ever had a problem with open carry, a gun nut was the one hassling me.
I know what you mean about carrying concealed. Wherever you hide it - especially in the waist band - it's uncomfortable, it feels like it bulges out, it jabs into your body. I never felt like it was secure, like it could pop out of its holster if I bent the wrong way or fell. And I was worried about ADs when reholstering. I know a good holster would have solved most of those problems, but I didn't have a lot of cash to spend on finding one I liked.
And yeah, I felt that people were either staring at me, or would freak out if my gun was accidentally exposed.
I decided to experiment the week after I got my license, and decided to carry openly just about everywhere I went, to see how much of an issue it would actually be. That was a little over a month ago. Since then, I've talked to two cops. The conversation started with me announcing that I was licensed and carrying, and them saying "OK" - and moving onto other issues, with nothing further said about the guns. I've had exactly 2 other conversations - once with a neighbor who was interested in one of the properties I'm managing, when the conversation turned to casual issues. And the other when I stopped to assist a former Marine/retired cop in changing a blown tire, small talk turned into gun talk. I've experienced nothing but a few glances and a couple casual conversations.
Honestly, I think the "concealed" part is more scary to the general public than the "gun" part.
You sound like me on so many issues.Have ya tryed Simpey Rugged Holsters. They not telling ya what to do are awsom holsters- Rob Leighy is the owner and a great fellow to do business with. If ya get a chance check out his web sight. Ya know what is funny or strange and shouldn't be is if you inform or tell an police or law enforcement officer you have a weapon and have a ccw permit they really don't have any issues at all with it. It is alot of the or some I should say the gen public that has a problem with ccw. It wasn't as bad as before and if crime keeps going through the roof more and more folks will start arming or protecting themselfs and their loved ones and won't have or care about ccw permits. That 870 is a fine shotgun . I have had mine for more than 20 plus yrs. never had an issue at all with it and my lord the game I have taken not bragging through the yrs has been something else with my o'le faithful 870.
Never had any issues with ccw, but I'm with you on the uncomfortable part. In the summer I carry a Smith 642 in a De Santis pocket holster and I love it... nothing uncomfortable about it. In the winter when I switch to a full size though, that's a different story.
I have my ccw also. I too carry a 642 in a De Santis nemesis pocket holster in warm weather. I am a big guy (about 285) so I am used to wearing loose clothing lol. I carry a Kahr CW9 iwb or a Kahr CW45 owb in the winter. I am a retired parole officer so I have seen the societal changes over the last 20 years. Even more eye opening was the attitude of the courts I dealt with. There are a lot of liberal judges and magistrates who did not believe in incarceration. I have chosen to carry 24/7 but I live near the inner city also. There is no right or wrong on this topic. Just personal choice.
I have my ccw also. I too carry a 642 in a De Santis nemesis pocket holster in warm weather. I am a big guy (about 285) so I am used to wearing loose clothing lol. I carry a Kahr CW9 iwb or a Kahr CW45 owb in the winter. I am a retired parole officer so I have seen the societal changes over the last 20 years. Even more eye opening was the attitude of the courts I dealt with. There are a lot of liberal judges and magistrates who did not believe in incarceration. I have chosen to carry 24/7 but I live near the inner city also. There is no right or wrong on this topic. Just personal choice.
I agree with ya all the way franco45. I had one or two Kahrs fine weapons they are.This world is a lot crazy for sure....