Ghost Towns, Mining Camps & Old Trails
SWANSEA, AZ This place was opened up chasing a silver lead that broke into copper ore. It was originally named "Signal" (not to be confused with the other Signal, AZ) Prospecting started around the 1860's but the town didn't get founded til the early 1900's when the railway came. The ore (copper) was sent via RR to Bouse,AZ then floated down the Colorado River to the gulf of California, around the cape and on to Swansea, South Wales, UK. As the smelter went in "Signal" was renamed Swansea by it's founder, a native to Swansea, So. Wales, UK.
After WWI, the price of copper dropped. In June 1924, the post office closed and the mines struggled along until they closed for the last time in 1937. By this time Swansea was pretty much a ghost town anyways.
BLM now cares for the property. An effort has been made to preserve the site. Recently picnic tables have been installed. The worker's cabins have been partially preserved.