Ya it's still going on.
I suggest three things.
Write or call Rodney cobb ( Parks and Recs Director and cool Dude)
Parks and Recs Department
Rodney Cobb: Director
William Ford: Assistant Director
Lisa Morris: Recreation Manager
Second go to the P and R meeting
July 13, 2004 ( 5:30 pm....I think)
Parks and Recreation
Main Office
Grant Harris, Jr., Building
401 E. Hopkins
San Marcos, TX 78666
(512) 393-8400
Information Line
(512) 393-8404
I'm going home to michgan and can't go to this next meeting.
Third contact me again, or post up on here, in the middle of the month.
Follow these links in the meantime.
The city of Austin skateboarders have raised over 130,000 dollars over the last few years.
All this time the city and the council where behind them, saying that they would match it and throw down some other cost.
Well as of Friday, the city has totally backed out, and there are no plans what so ever to build a skatepark ( a public one) in Austin.
New Braunfels has a prefab park
Seguin has a pre fab park.
Neither get used, the city's think that it's be cause there's not enough skaters around, but there wrong, the skaters hate prefab and refuse to skate it.
San Antonio has buit an ok ( ok .....long story) skate park. It's tiny and it is over crowded, people come from all over to skate the concrete.
Here's a pic of my bud, shreadward "smooth as silk" cole, enjoying the coping at LBJ Park in San Antonio....shot by my self.
Spread the word.
If we sit on our hands, during this special time, we will get nothing and or junk.
Please spread the word to Skaters, Parents, Neighbors and eispecially buisiness owners who are sick of skaters tearin' up there property. Tell them that they can help get rid of them by giving these kids a place to ride.