Most people outside St. Louis have not even heard of these wonderful things, but I was wondering if anybody had a recipe they wanted to share like a rub or a sauce to try. I had some at a BBQ contest last week that were awesome, but no one wanted to share their secrets....
I am originally from Nebraska, and you're right... I had never heard of "pork steaks" before moving to St. Louis. I still don't know what the difference is between a pork steak and a pork chop. I would also have to say that I definitely prefer a "beef steak" to a "pork steak!"
Most people outside St. Louis have not even heard of these wonderful things, but I was wondering if anybody had a recipe they wanted to share like a rub or a sauce to try. I had some at a BBQ contest last week that were awesome, but no one wanted to share their secrets....
1) BBQ pork steak (plain) bone removed.
2) Sliced onions (raw)
3) Two slices of bread
4) Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip Salad Dressing
Move them to indirect heat, add some of your faveroite wood chips, let them cooked covered until they are as done as you like. sauce with your faveroite sauce.
I don't like mine to fall apart, i like a bit of chew to them!
I like them with Salt and Pepper and olive oil. Sear them pretty good then move to indirect heat or very low heat. It might take 45 minutes. Its a fatty tough peice of meat that needs long low heat.
If you like them falling off the bone, grill them and the put them in a slow cooker with your favorite BBQ sauce. couple of hours and they are very tender.
Use the favorite spices of your choice ("Magic Dust" from 17th Street Bar & Grill is good mixture) as a dry rub and refrigerate the meat for at least a few hours. Direct grill for about 30-40 minutes and then place in a aluminum pan and cover with bar-b-q sauce of your choice (can't go wrong with Sweet Baby Ray's) for at least 30 minutes. These babies will melt in your mouth.