I am from Bolton, in the North West of England. About 6,000 miles or so from your east coast. You kicked us out of the Americas in 1776. You will not remember of course and neither do I.
The utilities here are ridiculous. I think we are subsidising the rest of Europe. It is about time we left the European Union, it is costing us too much money.
Here in my home we live in a three bedroomed house, not very large. It probably costs us around ?350 per annum for electricity, about ?300 per annum for gas and about ?400 per annum for water. Then on top of this we have council tax about ?900 per annum, this tax pays for the emptying of trash cans, street cleaning, police, fire and ambulance dept, also over paid town hall councillors that run the town and spend our money unwisely. Do not forget this is in English Pounds not American Dollars so you will have to convert it. Hope this will help you compare prices a little. However for the south of England these prices can be two or three times the amount I have quoted for where I live.
Paul G.
Everyone is equal, it is only that some of us are more equal than others.
Haven't read every post but did the first two or so and they're on the right track with respect to methodology. You weren't specific about what you were trying to measure so I'm unsure how to help and answer directly but will offer this advice...
The best thing for you to do to standardize your data is to simply find the prices per gallon of water, kwh of electricity, cubic feet of natural gas, etc. If your goal is to measure the costs of energy over varying geographic areas, that's the only way to make a comparison. Trying to compare them on a house-by-house basis in different regions will only limit your results and make them worthless. There are so many unknown variables that go into the cost to heat and cool a house, make hot water, or turn the lights on. Two 1400 sq ft houses in the same region will often have vastly different utility bills. Some can be due to the age of the house (older homes in general are more inefficient) or the personal needs of the resident.
Now, if you wanted to do it in this more complicated manner, I'd suggest selecting one energy sources and using multiple regression to account for the different variables impact the monthly bills. There are a lot of ways to attack this approach, probably too much involvement for a suimmer course though and not enough time to collect enough data for results with that could be measured fof statisitical significance.
The extremes here are 100 degrees in summer and -10 to -20 in the winter.
I'm trying to remember if it hit 100 the night they landed on the moon? It was Milwaukee's Summerfest and if memory serves possibly the hottest day I remember from 8 years in Wisconsin.
I only mention this because just the idea of that heat in WI or MN boarders on scary. The -10 to -20 of 1950's Minnesota was closer to -30 to -40. I remember -47 walking home for lunch one day. No wind chill factor back then.
I often miss Wisconsin for very good reason but my internal furnace can't keep up anymore.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
Windsor, CA (Santa Rosa area - 60 mi North of SF)
1800sq ft frame house 15 yrs old - well insulated
water $98 for 2 months - $150 in the Summer
electricity and gas $184 a month on a level pay
seems to be 600 kwh a month average (low 430, high 700)
gas is 6 therms in the summer months and around 100 therms in the winter
However for the south of England these prices can be two or three times the amount I have quoted for where I live.
Isn't the S. of Scotland colder than the Isle of Wight? In the states the North gets killed by heating bills and the deep South by AC in Summer. There are sweet spots and microclimes in between where living costs are better but they're hit & miss based on several factors. It's easier to get fuel to a city on a major river than trucking it into the prairies.
Any chance of you taking back a few states?
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
Concord, CA
1500 square feet, built in 1951
Last month's bill: about $200
My last house was 2500 square feet with a pool and terrible insulation. I was happy to see an $800 bill there. Sometimes, it went as high as $1200. It's a big part of why I moved.
We live in a 36' 5th wheel with 3 slides and not so good insulation and our electric bill last month was $206, month before was $260. We don't pay for water. Oh and that is Spokane Valley, wa.
I have a 2400 sq ft home, and my gas and electric bills are on a ballanced budget plan. Depending on the seasons, the plan doesn't change much. The gas bill is currently $155/mo, and the electric is $133/mo. They only update the payments once a year, so I guess you could use that as an average.
My water bill runs me about $230-270 every three months. But, I brew beer, so I probably use about 4-5 times as much waster as anyone else.
Hope these figures help. Good luck.
Edit: I'm in south eastern Massachusetts, if that makes any difference.