TwigBOY, I challenge you to a debate on the court house steps on THIS Saturday HIGH NOON boy! If you do not show up all of SM ill know you are full of...?
YK, thank u 4 joining and redirecting me to what ranks a tad higher than who gets elected to tell others where the latrine is located. YK, please enlighten me, why can not the city operate ACC like any other business that comes to town? All others have to pay property and sales tax, why not ACC? Our local schools we are willing to pay for (within $ reason) but do we pay TxSt tax dollars? PLEASE HEP!
ACC is a self governing community college. It operates under the guidelines set up by the state. ACC's sole tax source of income is property tax, as set up by the legislature. The local schools can do limited projects with ACC such as concurrent enrollment, also as allowed by statute. Tx St is a state college that is supported by state tax dollars and stident fees and tuition.
Live chat probably isn't any better than a live debate. However having worked with a candidate or two, debates rarely give a candidate time to fully answer a complex question. One of my all time favorites was trying to write as 2 minute or less response on how to fix Texas school finance and another on how to lower property insurance rates. Simple solutions only exist in simple worlds.
Some sort of Q&A to questions, that allowed the candidates to give fulll, well thought out, and if necessary researched answers, would be much more useful.
I was really impressed by Councilmember Jones's Newsstreamz piece. He does seem to be figuring this stuff out and has potential I think.
Maybe brete but dont you agree that at a live debate the candidates dont have time to research their answers . That means they have to answer with what they already know. No time to think about it. Put on the spot so to say.
__________________ I Never Give Them Hell... I Just Tell The Truth And They Think Its Hell...